Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tis the Season to be 'Fall-y'

The seasons are ever-changing and ever representing of life and all it entails. Each season can represent a stage of life. Spring represents new life and our childhoods. It is full of color, happiness, and growth. Summer is a depiction of adolescence. It's heat is hard to bare, just like the problems of the teenager years, but it is full of fun and memories too. Fall represents those middle years, the grown up years. It's changing colors are similar to those changing situations in life, both being beautiful. Winter represents those elderly years. It can be sometimes seen as cold and barren, but its beauty is always treasured and remembered.

But of all those seasons, fall is my favorite. When I think of fall, I am taken back to my childhood with memories of jumping into piles of leaves, carving pumpkins, and going trick-or-treating. It seems like just yesterday that I was eating caramel apples and smelling apple pies. Although, it probably feels that way because I was doing that yesterday, as a celebration of the first day of fall. As much fun as it is to be a kid in Fall, it can be just as much to be an adult at that age. Now, I hand out candy, make the piles of leaves for the kids, and can actually be trusted to use the knife when making jack-o-lanterns. 

One of my favorite parts of fall is the colors of the leaves changing. The colors of red, orange and yellow look are some of the most beautiful things that grace my vision in the fall months. They show how change, even if we don't want it, can fill our lives with beauty and joy. 

So as we watch the transition of the seasons, and the transitions that we go through in our own lives, it is important to remember that each one, though different, brings something special to us and what it brings is usually beautiful.

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