Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Risk it All

We as humans risk a lot more of ourselves than we than we think we do. Everyday by getting out bed we are brave. Instead of sitting in bed all day, we go out an expose ourselves to the world through what we wear, what we say, and overall our actions in general. Although some people put themselves out there more than others, it is not any more easy or difficult on either end of the spectrum. We all risk something. 

Of course that is a very small risk in the scheme of things. Some people risk their lives everyday they go to work. In countries with harsh regimes, people risk their freedom, their families, and their lives to speak out in hopes of a better tomorrow in which the government doesn't exist. But not all risks have to end in disaster in despair, but that doesn't mean its any less of a risk, sometimes it even more of one.

One of the biggest risks that we will take in our lives is also one of the most rewarding. That risk is love. Love can bring us the ultimate happiness, joy, and satisfaction. It can complete our lives. But on the other hand, it can break us into pieces when it ends, or if it never even begins. And yet despite the possible consequences, despite the fact that we all know that nothing lasts forever,  that we know we only have a finite amount of time here on Earth, we love and risk it all just the same. That's brave. It's brave to know that there is terrible, painful, heartbreak possible, and make the leap as if there wasn't. It's brave to put your fate into someone else's hands and jump off a cliff not knowing if they will are willing to jump off that same cliff for you too.  But we do it because we know that a life without that risk, without love, is a life that is empty and might as well as not have been lived at all. 

So at the end of the day, don't be afraid to make that leap, don't be afraid to love. Instead, be brave and make the risk, because in some way even if we don't get what we at the time wanted or expected, it will be worth it all the same.

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