Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Revamped Fairy Tale

Growing up, I wasn't as interested in fairy tales and Cinderella as other girls my age. I didn't aspire to be a princess or have a magic carriage take me to a ball. I instead longed to be a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Now looking back, the whole being picked up in a magic carriage and taken to a ball was probably a more realistic dream than going to a school to be taught magic, but nonetheless, this was my dream as a child and I learned from it. As there were not princesses at Hogwarts, my role model was Hermione Granger, a smart, bossy, little girl who loved to read. To say the least, I wanted to be her.  In order to accomplish this, I read more books and participated in classes more, which soon became tasks that I loved to do. I became a stronger person because of this, because I learned to take matters into my own hands and not let others hold me back. I learned to take care of myself and be more independent.

I totally understand the appeal of a fairy tale, I mean who doesn't want to be swept of their feet by a handsome Prince Charming? I would love that. The part that I don't love is that the young lady is always, or least it always seems to be this way, a damsel in distress who is incapable of helping herself. Also, fairy tales don't just happen the way the do in stories. People don't just start to cry and a fairy godmother appears at their feet. Solutions don't just pop into our hands. If only life were that simple . I believe that everyone needs to be able to help themselves and solve their problems because there is a pride that one can have by accomplishing tasks on their own. I believe in strong role models for girls who don't always have to rely on the guys to save them. 

That isn't to say that I think that fairy tales are terrible. In fact, that's the complete opposite of what I believe. I think that fairy tales are very beneficial in the fact that they teach us to dream and that miracles can happen. They give us hope that we can one day have the prince and the castle. But I also believe that just like I learned that I couldn't be a witch and go to Hogwarts, children will have to learn one day that what happens in fairy tales doesn't just happen without any effort. In order to succeed in fulfilling their dreams, they will have to work hard and persevere, even when it seems that all hope is lost and nothing good is coming of the work. It is when one keep going in the face of all this that the real fairy tales happen. This fairy tale is worth more than the Disney one because they strove to make it happen and from it, their dreams came true. With hard work, we all can live happily ever after. 

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