Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

Around the world today, people are celebrating Christmas with family and friends, food and presents. Many times these are the first thoughts that come to mind when one thinks about Christmas. When I think about Christmas, some of my first thoughts go to ringing bells in the days leading up to the holiday. For me, ringing bells for the Salvation Army is what really gets me into the Christmas spirit, because it signifies what Christmas is really all about. If I don't ring bells, its not the Christmas season to me. Ringing bells is about giving one's money and time to people you may never meet in order to help them. When people give money to bell ringers and when bell ringers give up their time, it shows what Christmas is all about, which is giving without having to receive anything in return. Its about helping your fellow human in need.

As one can tell, I very much enjoy bell ringing and what it stands for. But even more, I enjoy the scenes that I witness while ringing bells. One of my favorite bell ringing memories occurred last year and demonstrated to me, in the simplest terms, what Christmas is all about. When ringing bells, my mom and I always bring candy canes to hand out to the little kids that put money in the kettle. During our shift, a little girl approached us, her mother and brother walking ahead of her, and put money in the kettle. We asked if she would want a candy cane and she responded with an excited yes. After taking the candy, the girl proceeded to catch up to her brother and mother and when she reached them, her brother looked at the candy cane in her hands and then back at her sadly. In response to this look, the girl gave the candy cane to her little brother without batting an eye, both children smiling at the exchange. I teared up at the scene in front of my eyes. My mom , also touched, walked up to the little girl and gave her a candy cane so that they could both have one. In that moment between the siblings, I saw what Christmas was all about thanks to a child. The girl showed me that Christmas is about giving of one's self, even if we are giving up something we want, in order to make another person happy. It doesn't even have to be the giving of something big. On the contrary, it can the simplest things that make us the most happy. 

This is a spirit that we should try to keep all year round. We should make an effort to make others happy and give back without expecting to be given anything in return. I hope that you all are having a wonderful Christmas and are enjoying the time with family and friends. Merry Christmas!!!

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