Monday, July 16, 2012

'A Thank You Note to the World'

We live a world that seems, to many, to be in turmoil. From a economic recession in the United States that has cost millions of jobs, to a fight for peace is Syria which has lost thousands of lives, it is easy to have a negative outlook on the world, as well as on life. I believe though, if we look past all the wars and problems in society today, we all have a lot to be grateful for. So here is my thank you note to the world for all the small and big things that make up a wonderful and worthwhile life. My hope is that with my glass of gratitude, your glass will get a little closer to seeing the world in a more "half full" kind of light.

My first glass of gratitude is raised to family, which is sometimes undervalued and overlooked. Now family doesn't only include those to which we are biologically related too, but also those people who life would be hard to imagine without. Family is always there for us and we often take for granted the fact that they are there when we need them.  They offer support and advice when asked (or sometimes when not asked) and they always have our back. They bring joy and laughter to our days, brightening our lives with their smiles. Even if we fight with them, they always come back and are still the ones who love us the most in the world. All this is given for free, without any thought about getting something back in return. Personally, my family is the number one thing I am grateful for in my life and if given the chance, I would not trade them for anything. Without them, I would be lost and my life would be much more dark and dreary. So, lets raise a glass to those who make our lives so much better and easier, while painting our world with their vibrance. Cheers!

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