Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sisters: The Best Friends in the World

Today, on my sister's 24th Birthday, I believe that it is a proper time to raise a glass to all the sisters around the world. There are many reasons to celebrate sisters, one of which is that they are always there for you. From the minute you were born (if you're the younger sister), or the minute they were born (if you are the older sister) you had another person who had your back and was always watching out for you. As sisters grow up, that really never changes. While people can say that that is because you're family, or that blood stays with blood, it is more than that. Sisterhood entails a bond, and while that bond is different for all sisters, it is a connection that holds them together. It is a bond of memory and experience that you will never share with anyone else in your life. It is a linkage that sees beyond the outside into the inside, into the heart. It is a connection that has undergone strain but that never becomes so strained that you cannot mend it. It is a kinship that entails a multitude of emotions that only grows with each passing year of sisterhood. Overall, it is a complicated relationship that can be most concisely summed up by Linda Sunshine: "If you don’t understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child."

For me, as the youngest of all the sisters, there was an extra factor added to that connection. Growing up, my sisters were my role models and in watching them, they were (and still are) some of my greatest teachers. In my life, there was a level of idolization of them, that with time, has waned, but I know will never totally go away. Although the idolization has lessened, my respect for my sisters grows everyday. I believe that that is probably true in all sibling relationships. When we are little, we see our older siblings as infallible heroes who can never do wrong. But as we grow along with them, we see that they can make mistakes, that they are flawed, and that they are ultimately human. But even though they are no longer God like, it is exactly because of that fact that we come to respect them (and love them even more). 

So here's to sisters, all kinds of them whether they be young or old, big or little. Thank you for all that you do and all that you put up with. You can never know how much we appreciate you. Sisters, you are some of the greatest blessings that we were born with. To my sister, Happy Birthday. Every year you get older is another one I am grateful to have with you.


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