Friday, May 16, 2014

New Life

Wow, I can't believe that I haven't posted since October! My mind has been focused elsewhere, like on writing many papers for school and working on my first book, which I am very happy to have finished. Despite this lapse in blog writing, I had and continue to have a lot to be grateful for. In fact, in January, an addition to our family gave me another reason to be grateful. That month, my sister gave birth to a handsome and healthy baby boy, and I have been taken with him ever since. 

When it comes to newborns, I have frequently heard the saying that you would never think you could love someone you just met so much. Frankly, I always kind of found it a little cheesy and maybe a little cliche; it was the kind of thing that people would say with the "Full House" life lesson music playing in the background. Although I still think it's both, I have found that it is true; I have become one of those cheesy people who speaks in cliches ( for that reason, feel free to put the "life lesson" music on as you read this.)  When my whole family laid eyes on him, we all couldn't stop smiling.He had come at the perfect time. Before his arrival, our family been going through a rough period, and with his birth, life became better and brighter. 

 As he has grown over four months, I still smile every time I see him and find that whenever I can make him laugh or smile, I get a small sense of accomplishment from it. My new nephew gives me some much joy, much more than I ever thought I could get from such a tiny person. Although I am aware that new life is part of the cycle of humanity, I feel very lucky to have this little man in my life. He has shown me that a simple thing, like a smile, can bring me just as much happiness, if not more, than something elaborate and expensive. He also has shown me one of the purposes of human existence, which is to bring happiness to one another and enjoy each other's company. 

While I am enjoying this time with him, I also cannot wait until he is older so I can teach him about all I have learned and how even when it may not seem like it, there are things to be grateful for in life, and they may not be what you would expect. I already plan to share my love of books and writing with him, as they have both enriched my life and made it easier to get through. That is my goal with him and in the end, I think that it is the purpose of family and of life; to pass down and teach others what has made your life better and easier, so that theirs can be a little better and easier, too.