Monday, May 27, 2013

Thank You

Today in America, we are celebrating Memorial Day, a holiday usually celebrated with parties, cook outs and parades. In the midst of all this celebrating and the happiness of a day off from school or work, we sometimes forget the reason that we are able to be doing what we are doing; the reason why we celebrate Memorial Day in the first place: to remember those serving our country and those who died in the process.

Today, I believe that it is necessary to say thank you to those men and women who work everyday to protect our country. These  brave people do some of the hardest and most dangerous jobs in the world and help to ensure that we are able to do the activities and have the things that we hold most dear. They do all of this for us, they do a job that many of us would not want to do, and rarely do we take the time to reflect on what they do and thank them for it.

So, during the parties and cook outs you attend today, take time to reflect on the gifts that our servicemembers have given us and all that they have given up to keep us safe. Take time to remember them and say thank you.